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広告: はじめてのシエラの夏 - ジョン ミューア


Black Lives Matter Organization

Instagram timeline of the day



It’s beyond time to shut up and listen, to educate ourselves, to have hard conversations. I’ve been reading, listening, watching, posting, donating this weekend and am committed to continuing. I’ve been amazed seeing people and communities coming together and hope that this continues once this “moment” is over. There are so many incredible resources out there and so many that I’m just learning about. There’s a collection of resources in my story highlights which I plan to refer back to often myself. I’ve seen several list circulating of black owned businesses that I highly suggest saving (I added these in the highlight as well) and shopping with these businesses as often as possible. Reference these posts now and support them, but also save them and shop with these businesses at Christmas time. This isn’t just a one-and-done thing. Speak up, and let’s educate ourselves. If you have a resource/shop/account that should be highlighted please feel free to list them below, I would love to learn more.

Whitney Anderson(@whhitneyy)がシェアした投稿 -


Smart DOG!

Spike Lee(@officialspikelee)がシェアした投稿 -


Equality is an extremely important principle for me, and I believe when equality is threatened anywhere, it is threatened everywhere. No one should be discriminated against for the pigment of their skin, nor should they be discriminated for who they love.⁠ ⁠ I created this image back in 2008, when Prop 8 needed to be overturned to protect marriage equality for same-sex marriage. The fight for basic equality continues to this day. Not only same sex marriage, but for the rights of all LBGTQ+ individuals. It is crucial that we acknowledge the fight and struggle alongside the BLACK LIVES MATTER movement, acknowledging the struggles of our LBGTQ+ community members and people of color during this month of PRIDE.⁠ -Shepard

Shepard Fairey(@obeygiant)がシェアした投稿 -


Recently, we at Noah have been faced with a very stark reality. - As leaders, Estelle and I have failed. We have failed the people of color, both within and outside of our company. Our team has let us know that we simply have not done enough. Recently, we made a public statement surrounding the death of George Floyd, but we neglected to check in on our team during this traumatic time, which undermined their grief. Let's think about that for a second. A company whose objective from the outset was to operate as responsibly as possible on all levels, has failed. We have failed and we were actually trying. It begs the question: how is that possible? Very simply, ignorance. Most people freak out when they hear the word 'ignorance'. They think it is offensive and indicates that maybe they lack intelligence. We think that could not be further from the truth. Our belief at Noah is that admitting ignorance is the most intelligent thing you can do. It means you can accept that you don't know everything and start building real knowledge. I, Brendon, am speaking to white people here. We must accept and admit our ignorance in order to come to a place where we can receive real knowledge about institutionalized racism in America and beyond. We are committed to owning our ignorance and defeating it. - Estelle states that, as a human race of all ethnicities, we must accept that only the truth will set us free. We must all take responsibility to act with compassion in listening, communicating and educating for the betterment of understanding and dismantling of racism. Brendon and I hold ourselves accountable and are in this for the long haul. We will not be bystanders but active fighters against global racism. - We intend to listen and ACTIVATE in order to play our role in creating the America that people dream about but most never truly experience. We want to publicly apologize for not being better leaders to our team and allies to all people of color who do not receive equal and fair treatment in our society. We are working with our team on programming that amplifies their voices and concerns as well as the the voices and concerns of Black people and people of color as a whole.

Noah Clothing(@noahclothing)がシェアした投稿 -


For ten years, D&C and Victory Journal have operated as creators at the intersection of sport and culture. Our purpose is to tell the stories that have been overlooked. And our own story would never exist without the creative contributions and cultural influence of the Black community. Black creatives, along with all marginalized voices, will always have a seat at our table and will be heard. Black Lives Matter. This truth is non-negotiable. Racism, abuse of power, and systemic violence against Black Americans must end now. Our Black colleagues, collaborators, friends, comrades, and heroes are indispensable to our world. When they hurt, we hurt. When they face injustice, we face it with them. We will commit in every way to amplify Black voices. We will turn up the volume on our demands for equality and justice.

Victory Journal(@victoryjournal)がシェアした投稿 -


Use your voice. Black Lives Matter. They matter today, they mattered yesterday, every day into the past and every day into the future. Everyday we are all responsible for being activists for change, for making it heard coast to coast that there is no tolerance for racism and injustice. There are things you can do with empty pockets and there’s an impact to be made with just $1. There’s impact to be made with conversation, by communicating and sharing information, by leading by example and not going quietly. By rebuilding and being active in your community. We are aware. Aware that this will not go away, it will not be forgotten, it is a demand for change and equality. We are aware of our responsibility in and to the outdoor industry to propagate change. Allow our actions to speak for themselves and our words to be heard alongside all of your voices, loudly today, tomorrow, and forever. #BLACKLIVESMATTER

P O L E R(@polerstuff)がシェアした投稿 -


#Repost @hufworldwide with @make_repost ・・・ The centerpiece of our LA store since the doors opened in 2015, the Haroshi Middle Finger has always stood as a symbol of “fuck you”. A “fuck you” to oppressors, to injustice, to violence, to racism, to authority, to inequality, and to anyone or anything working to divide or abuse our community. A beautiful disaster this past weekend left the sculpture without its infamous finger, transforming its silhouette into that of a raised fist - a symbol of unity and justice - more relevant and powerful now than ever. This HUF x Haroshi Justice tee is now available online this weekend only, with 100% of proceeds being donated to @blmlosangeles. Link in bio. We appreciate everyone’s feedback and support on our previous posts as we continue the conversation on how to take action towards needed change. We hear you. Stronger Together. Love you all. ✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿

haroshi(@haroshi)がシェアした投稿 -


Black Lives Matter. As we have listened and reflected on what our role should be as a brand and manufacturer in Canada, our first reaction was that we are doing well. Our workforce in Vancouver, Toronto and Los Angeles is approximately 70% BIPOC, and through both Reigning Champ and wings+horns, we have supported groups that remove financial barriers preventing some children from playing organized sport, which we know to disproportionately affect young BIPOC, as well as groups that preserve natural spaces, the protection of which has long been considered to be intrinsically linked to social and economic justice. That was good, we thought. But it’s not good enough.⁣ ⁣ None of those things matter without equality, empowerment and social justice for BIPOC populations. Period.⁣ ⁣ To that end, we have decided to give to the Equal Justice Initiative in the USA, and Black Lives Matter Canada, starting today, and in a continued and ongoing capacity, as part of our permanent giving structure. Furthermore, we are committed to the continual assessment of our company culture, our workforce and our partners, to make sure we are championing voices, ideas and design work from a diverse range of people and backgrounds. This is not a temporary measure, or a timely band-aid, but the start of a systemic evolution we are proud to acknowledge and embark on, with you, our friends and family.⁣ ⁣ Sincerely,⁣ ⁣ Craig Atkinson

Reigning Champ(@reigningchamp)がシェアした投稿 -


Black Lives Matter.

Madre Mezcal(@madremezcal)がシェアした投稿 -


Link in bio

Peanut Butter Wolf(@pntbtrwlf)がシェアした投稿 -



Jonathan Schubert(@theschubertstudio)がシェアした投稿 -



VEЯDY(@verdy)がシェアした投稿 -


#blacklivesmatter #noracism #loveandrespect

YOON HYUP(@ynhp)がシェアした投稿 -



Victory Journal(@victoryjournal)がシェアした投稿 -


Check this out. @nathanielrussell is a good dude. Black, brown,,, lighter shades, lives matter. —————————————————- words by Nat—————————————- Like many of us I am sad, angry, scared and embarrassed about what has been and is currently happening in our country. As a middle aged white male I have lived a life of extraordinary privilege in this society. I am uncomfortable about sharing my artwork or inserting myself into a conversation in which I feel I have much to learn. I realize, however, that one image I created 4 years ago, one that has been shared and used by others countless times, has at least one ability: to raise money for people and organizations doing real and important work. It is not a perfect statement, but it came from a place of sincerity and hope.In the past occasions when my friends at LUNA music and I have made this graphic available on a shirt or print we've been able to donate thousands and thousands of dollars. This is what we hope to do again. 100% of the proceeds after printing and shipping costs will be donated. There never has been nor will there ever be a personal profit made from this image. Here's what I wrote in November 2016 about this drawing and it is still true: "i made this drawing last wednesday mostly because i didn't know what to do with myself and out of a need to feel connected in some weird confusing times. what i mean is: try your best, be there for each other, help those who need a hand, try to see a bigger picture, and live the life that you will not regret. act out of love, not fear, be an ally to those who need help. it's just a drawing, but i believe in the power of drawings, of words, to connect us with each other. sometimes that helps and sometimes that can be a good start." Here we are printing a new edition of the RESIST FEAR ASSIST LOVE T-Shirt. As always, 100% of the money, after printing and shipping costs, will be donated to local charitable organizations. While this project is not affiliated with or endorsed by any specific charitable organizations—we have chosen to spread the proceeds between: No Questions Asked food pantry, The Julian Center, and The Bail Project. LINK IN MY BIO @lunamusic

Thomas Campbell(@thomascampbellart)がシェアした投稿 -


Let’s all be part of the change. #UntilWeAllWin

NikeNYC(@nikenyc)がシェアした投稿 -



Mark van Leeuwen(@markvanleeuwn)がシェアした投稿 -


Much like all of you, we’ve spent our recent days in a state of deep reflection on the ways in which we (as a company, as individuals, as artists) can better stand against racial injustice in this country. Art will always be a powerful tool for change. We are acutely aware that performative activism by companies serves no one. Now more than ever there must be a continued push for change in this country from the giant corporations down to small businesses like us. We are currently printing and giving away this sticker to promote solidarity, to stand against racial injustice and to help support the message: BLACK LIVES MATTER. The stickers are FREE (2 for the cost of the stamp, one order per customer) via the link in our bio. We must all do more. Let’s keep this momentum for change going with our art and our voices.

Sticker Robot(@stickerobot)がシェアした投稿 -


#justiceforgeorgefloyd | www.justiceforbigfloyd.com

Mason London / Joe Prytherch(@masonlondon)がシェアした投稿 -


Gather evidence then prosecute. #FTP #FilmThePolice #RemoveTheRacists

OGMikeGiant(@ogmikegiant)がシェアした投稿 -


This is the work of my friend Yaya @hough9459, an artist who knows the justice system from inside and out. For more of his work responding to this moment today, and to the age of mass incarceration as a whole, go to his page and spend some time with his heart-full and moving portraits. The humanity they contain can, like this one, sometimes be difficult to witness, but I find seeing through his eyes to also be a balm for the soul. ***Addendum *** I would like to speak to my decision to continue to honor Yaya’s voice and his right to process this moment through his art by leaving his painting up despite some people feeling triggered by it. This artwork is the work of someone who spent half a lifetime in prison, and who painted this piece out of their own deep awareness of the dehumanizing forces in our culture. It is a piece that was created out of emotional necessity and lived experience. In sharing it I am pointing people toward the work of someone whose voice I believe ought to be listened to in this moment. I believe that part of creating a more just world will include listening to people like Yaya who have experienced a side of American life that many of us will never comprehend. I know this time is difficult, and we are all figuring out how to best hold each other. If you are feeling angry and confused about why I would share something that depicts a painful reality, it might help to examine more of Yaya’s work, as well as to remember the crucial importance of creating artwork as a means of processing moments that are otherwise unbearable.

Swoon Studio(@swoonhq)がシェアした投稿 -


⁣ Memorial Day is a strange holiday for black people in our country. Like the Fourth of July, we want to have a true cause to celebrate like any other American. We love our country too, but our country has not loved us in return. ⁣ ⁣ It’s like being an abused partner. It’s your abuser’s birthday and of course you’re expected to celebrate. But deep down inside, you feel that to sing and party with your abuser is to sing and party every fracture, bruise and black eye they gave you, too. To celebrate feels like consent. ⁣ ⁣ I do not consent to all the lynchings and riots that occurred after every war against black soldiers returning to their country hoping this time they’d be received with open arms of gratitude. They never were. Instead, white men spat at them. Called them “boy”. Took and pilfered whatever gains they made. ⁣ ⁣ Some of you will fight not to believe me. But look it up. Look up Red Summer. Look at pictures of the Tulsa Massacre. Look up the pictures of the airplanes that destroyed black life because it was thriving. ⁣ ⁣ Unacknowledged by their country, black men and nurses came home from war only to face more wars. ⁣ ⁣ This Memorial Day, I hold all those soldiers and all the lynched black civilian men, women and children in my heart. ⁣ ⁣ 🖤✌🏾✊🏾+🇺🇸⁣ ⁣

Black Coffee w/ White Friends(@blackcoffeewithwhitefriends)がシェアした投稿 -


Yesterday we felt the need to speak up about what’s happening in Minneapolis, our home and what has been happening around the world for many years. We believed saying something was better than saying nothing, and since then we’ve heard you asking us to do better.⁠ ⁠ Racism, Inequality, and Injustice have no place in our communities. George Floyd was murdered by those who swore an oath to serve and protect him. He should still be alive, same as the countless others who have died because of the color of their skin.⁠ ⁠ Individuals on our team have spent the past days addressing the immediate needs in our communities — participating in peaceful protests, helping with cleanup, transporting supplies, and donating food, time, and whatever other currencies we can. But this is only the beginning of what is needed to make significant change.⁠ ⁠ As a brand with a platform that we want to use for good, we don’t have a perfect plan for making permanent change, but we are committed to making a plan. In the days ahead, we’ll keep our eyes and ears open as we identify the organizations that align with our values, so we can support them. We will examine our practices as a brand to see how we can bring awareness to racial injustice and support change.⁠ ⁠ Admittedly, we haven’t done enough in the past, and we know there’s no one path forward through all this, but if we try and fail and try again, we can find a better one. ⁠ ⁠ -Surly⁠

𝚂𝚞𝚛𝚕𝚢 𝙱𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚜(@surlybikes)がシェアした投稿 -


The senseless killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and George Floyd—to name but a tragically recent few—reveal how little has changed for Black people in the past years, and how police brutality remains a constant threat to their lives. If systematic racism is to be defeated, we all need to stay educated, become involved and understand our role in both the problems, and the solutions. We cannot look away, and words are not enough. As an immediate action, Aesop is committing US$100,000 to support organisations that fight racial injustice and promote opportunities for Black people. Though conscious of the urgency, we will take the time to review and speak to potential partners in the coming days to make sure our donation is impactful and to determine what Aesop can do to help address this systemic problem.

Aesop(@aesopskincare)がシェアした投稿 -


I’ll be tuning in to @thevaleriejune tonight on instagram live for a #blacklivesmatter meditation at 7:45pm Central Daylight Time. Thank you, Valerie, for these words. Please take care of yourselves. Love, Norah . Repost from @thevaleriejune: . Black Lives Matter Meditation: This meditation is for all, but especially for those who believe in the oneness of humanity and who wish to better understand and connect with the historic and systemic pain and inequality endured by the black community. The state of our minds is a direct root to our hearts. The state of our hearts is a direct root to our minds. For change to be sustained, it must be rooted in our hearts and minds first. With strong roots, we can wake up everyday and create a more harmonious world but that starts with our thoughts first. . It will be a simple meditation meant to hold a space for the tragic loss of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Aubrey. Our goal will be to re-align our oneness as human beings in a nonviolent way and to support the Black Lives Matter movement starting with ourselves first. To breathe is to be, and we as human beings have a collective mind that when aligned it creates the conditions of our society. Meditation can be used to realize the interconnectivity of all living things and to unite our collective minds. Holding that space is extremely important in these times. . With a heart-place-peaceful starting point, you can take to the streets to protest, you can donate to those who are on the frontlines, text or call family or friends to have heartfelt conversations regarding racism, or just simply choose the oneness of humanity over the illusion of privilege in your everyday life. But you will be making a choice. All volumes of voices are needed, but sometimes listening to our quiet inner voice can be louder than a scream. . Tonight on Instagram Live 7:45pm CDT . If one person is not free, no one is free. . Illustration by: @quietcreature

Norah Jones(@norahjones)がシェアした投稿 -


If discrimination and racism is a result of developed thinking, what can we do to stop from now on? Nelson Mandela said, 'No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite'. To me, the opposite of love isn't hate. The opposite of love is indifference. My fellow Asian Americans, WE HAVE TO SUPPORT EACH OTHER. Both the Black people and Asians have dealt with racism, but it was our black brothers and sisters who bore the burden first in America (Immigration Act of 1965). Stand with them. Don't just watch passively. Use your voice to stand in solidarity. Racism has no place in 2020. . Graphic @domrobxrts #MinoritiesinSolidarity #asians4blacklives #georgefloyd #BLACKLIVESMATTER

YOON(@yoon_ambush)がシェアした投稿 -


As a skincare brand, we know you’re used to seeing products and skincare advice from us. But this is different. It’s up to all of us to say, enough is enough. Black lives matter.⁣ ⁣ We stand in solidarity with those fighting for justice and we ask our community to stand with us.⁣ ⁣ Here’s how we can all help:⁣ ⁣ Reclaim the Block - an organization specific to Minneapolis and that focuses on funding for community safe initiatives.⁣ https://www.reclaimtheblock.org/home/ Write a letter to Minneapolis mayor Jacob Frey or Minnesota governor Tim Waltz to demand justice, accountability and change. Text FLOYD to 55156 to sign the petition from Color of Change. This blocks all four officers from receiving their pensions and bans them working as police officers again. Follow people on Instagram who speak out against the atrocities against the black and minority communities, like @blklivesmatter @aclu_nationwide @laylafsaad @ava and @rachel.cargle⁣ Educate yourself. Listen to podcasts, watch documentaries and shows, and read books that delve into racism.⁣ ⁣ 📸: @brandychieco

Curology(@curology)がシェアした投稿 -


THIS MUST STOP! 💔 Seeing George Floyd die under the knee of a policeman is heartbreaking and sickening - to see a murder take place so casually under the hands of authority with bystanders begging them to stop. He was a father and a son and a friend, a person in his community, deserving dignity, empathy and respect. What happened to Ahmaud Arbery is pure terrorism. This is not only a black issue, this is a human rights issue that affects us all. This is not one bad egg or an accident, we know that racism is systemic and institutionalised. I’m thinking of all the others who did not have a camera on them too. It’s impossible to ever get justice for the murder of an innocent person, we must work together to ensure this cannot continue... the work is much more than just a petition... however please sign for George Floyd in bio... #ripgeorgefloyd #blacklivesmatter #justiceforgeorgefloyd quote by #AngelaDavis

Hikari Yokoyama(@hikariyoko)がシェアした投稿 -


Can it be that it was all....so simple then?

Questlove Froman,(@questlove)がシェアした投稿 -


To a certain extent, we've all sought refuge and freedom with our skateboards, our community representing a kind of ideal world where we can just push off and escape. Oftentimes we relish that outlaw status, wearing it as a source of pride. Other times we complain that folks, nervous at the sound of our rattling behind them on a sidewalk, pass immediate judgment, assuming the worst. For most of us though, these injustices are temporary. Once we throw our boards in the trunk and resume our lives as we wish, the hoodlum label is packed away and without a second thought, we resume daily activities like walking through the grocery store or washing our clothes at the laundromat. Sadly, this privilege can't be enjoyed by everyone. Baseless mistrust and suspicion stalk them wherever they go. Black lives more than just matter, they are a right of birth. We are far from having all the answers, but beyond the need for justice in the courtroom, dramatic shifts in the approach to policing, and better representation at every level of government, the most important work occurs off camera. Real change doesn't happen on Instagram. It happens when we treat people with respect because they deserve it, not for any acknowledgement or credit. Skateboarding used to be pretty damn white, but we'll be damned if it isn't better and more beautiful the more diverse it has become. Now is the time for skateboarding to lead by example, to show the world how it can be done, how it needs to be done. Starting NOW.

THRASHER MAGAZINE(@thrashermag)がシェアした投稿 -


I hear you. Link in my bio. #blacklivesmatter #justiceforgeorgefloyd

mills(@milliebobbybrown)がシェアした投稿 -

Hi res poster files at the link [ https://space.aguije.jp/pdf/blm-jp.zip ] for you to download, print or edit as you like.



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